Applications to AFG for turnout gear have consistently been one of the two top activities requested under the Firefighter Operations grant category and for good reason. Turnout gear is utilized on every alarm. It is a foundational element of every fire department. Your department simply cannot exist without it.

Download our guide with information and suggestions to formulate your application for turnout gear.
The Assistance to Firefighters Grant program provides the best means to cover these expenses. However, because of their popularity, turnout gear requests are among the most competitive activities of this grant program.
To assist you in this endeavor, our guide will provide you with information and suggestions to formulate your application for turnout gear. The guide gives you:
- A step-by-step guide to planning your AFG application;
- New requirements and priorities for 2019;
- The importance of integrating data into your application;
- Tips on writing a successful grant narrative;
- A grant “get ready” checklist; and
- Administrative steps you need to take to get your AFG application ready.
Download the guide above!