Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program FY 2023 opened on Monday, January 29, and will close on Friday, March 8. If you’re submitting a grant for PPE, here’s what you need to know:
General Information
- Available funding will be $324,000,000 with a projected 2,000 grants awarded.
- Funding limits by population served will remain consistent with the previous year:
- Organizations must have a Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) number, an Employer Identification Number (EIN), an active SAM registration, and FEMA GO account to apply for grants.
- FEMA’s online application portal, FEMO GO (Grants Outcomes), is the platform for submitting, approving, and managing FEMA grants.
Key Changes for FY 2023 AFG
- Major changes to program priorities put an emphasis on PPE that is necessary to protect firefighter health and safety.
- Under Other Direct Costs, Allocations and Restrictions of Available Grant Funds, Micro Grants cumulative funding threshold was raised from $50,000 to $75,000.
- Under Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Activity, replacement of damaged/unsafe/unrepairable PPE including Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) regardless of age is now allowable.
- Under Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Activity, language regarding per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in PPE was moved from the Application Tips section to PPE Activity section and updated to encourage award recipients to seek acquisition of PFAS-free gear when possible.
High Priority Items for FY 2023 Tied to Safety Equipment
- Under Basic Equipment priorities:
- NFPA 1801-Compliant Thermal Imaging Cameras
- Personal Accountability Systems for state fire training academies
- Under SCBA priorities:
- Replace in-service or in-use damaged/ unsafe/unrepairable SCBA to meet current standard.
- Replace in-service/in-use/expired/ noncompliant SCBA to current standard.
- Acquire or replace an individual SCBA facepiece for each operational member of an organization.
- Increase supply for new hires and/or existing firefighters that do not have one set of SCBA for allocated seated positions.
- Respiratory list:
- Air-Line Unit
- Facepieces
- Respirators
- SCBA Spare Cylinders
- SCBA (SCBA Unit includes: Harness/Backpack, Facepiece, and 2 Cylinders)
- Under PPE priorities:
- Increase supply for new hire/existing firefighters that do not have one set of turnout gear (PPE) or allocated seated position (SCBA). This includes replacing out-of-service PPE and SCBA.
- Replace in-service or in-use damaged/unsafe/unrepairable PPE or SCBA to meet current standard.
- Replace in-service/in-use/expired/noncompliant PPE or SCBA to current standard.
- Structural/Proximity PPE list:
- Boots
- Coats
- Complete Set of Turnout Gear
- Helmets
- Hoods
- Pants
- Suspenders
Personal Accountability System Grant Eligible: MSA LUNAR® Connected Device
The LUNAR Connected Device is eligible for AFG funding as a personal accountability system. Personal Accountability Safety Systems are part of the Equipment category and are considered a medium funding priority for fire departments and a high funding priority for state fire training academies.
Read more about the LUNAR Connected Device as a personal accountability system here.
Need Help with Grants for SCBA, Personal Accountability or Turnout Gear?
MSA sponsors free grant consultation through FireGrantsHelp :
The FireGrantsHelp staff of grant consultants offers invaluable assistance, whether you’re just starting your project and aren’t sure where to begin or you need to add the final touches to an application.