The fire service recognizes that clean PPE can help keep you safe.
NFPA 1851 requires users to evaluate their PPE after each use to determine the appropriate cleaning level. We’ve put together a video to assist firefighters in performing the following:
- On-scene cleaning of structural fire helmets at an emergency scene based on the first steps in the Preliminary Exposure Reduction Procedures as defined in NFPA 1851.
- Additional routine cleaning of structural fire helmets in a designated utility sink according to the standard.
- Cleaning of soft goods, eye protection and face protection according to the standard.
MSA recommends obtaining a copy of the current edition of NFPA 1851 to ensure complete compliance. Information regarding inspection criteria, cleaning criteria, repair, and retirement of your MSA Cairns Fire Helmet is also available in the MSA Cairns Fire Helmet Operating Manual.
To learn more, watch our video below.